at the event were members of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Frente Francisco de Miranda (FFM), Movement of Friendship and Mutual Venezuela Cuba Solidarity Movement of Solidarity with the Five, representatives of the National Assembly and the Committee Victims Murderer Posada Carriles, the Missions Cuban workers and Postal Telegraphic Institute of Venezuela (IPOSTEL), among others who joined their voices in a strong claim for justice.
Rogelio Polanco, Cuba's ambassador to Venezuela, denounced the double standards of American politics, his collusion with the most notorious terrorists, the silence of the large transnational information have refused to broadcast the truth about Five case and who manipulate the people while they are slaughtered by servile governments and imperialists.
The Cuban diplomat also highlighted the bravery of the five young men who "fought unarmed, risked their lives and were able to blow themselves up by just ideas. "Finally, he called to break the silence and called upon all the fighters of good will to join effort to this cause.
Five by five. Photo: 10K/Cubadebate
Five by five. Photo: 10K/Cubadebate
Five by five. Photo: 10K/Cubadebate
Five by five. Photo: 10K/Cubadebate
Five by five. Photo: 10K/Cubadebate
Five by five. Photo: 10K/Cubadebate
Five by five. Photo: 10K/Cubadebate
Five by five. Photo: 10K/Cubadebate
Five by five. Photo: 10K/Cubadebate
Five by five. Photo: 10K/Cubadebate
Five by five. Photo: 10K/Cubadebate
Five by five. Photo: 10K/Cubadebate
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