We leave the CRA activities in the LJR to mark World Book Day.
The official ceremony to mark the "Day of the Book " took effect on Thursday 28 with the participation of all college students who were accompanied by their teachers. A gym decorated for the occasion, was the setting for the presentation of various events that highlighted the benefits of BOOK and reading: The presentation of the reading of two unpublished stories created by students in the 4 th grade, Angela Fernandez and Cristobal Astudillo, were listened to carefully by all students.
Book Day in our school
By: Marianela V. Orrego
Numerous activities were prepared by the CRA team Liceo Juana Ross Edwards of Valparaiso, for the celebration of Day International Book this year. The last week of April was chosen in an attractive way to promote the love of reading and books in general. Here we tell you about it:
poster contest for students in grades 5 to 8 th grade, worked with the Department of Art, adorned the wall of the school inviting read.
Animation Workshop Reading for dads and moms of kindergarten in the framework of the "Sowing readers, which is carried out with the aunts and nursery assistants, took place prior to the meeting of trustees on Tuesday 26 with great success and attendance.
Triptych for Guardians of the First Cycle with tips to encourage reading within families, was delivered to every father or mother who attended the meeting monthly.
The school's Parent Center was present at the event, delivering " One million pesos" to Coordinator of Library , Marianela Orrego, to invest in new books, necessary for students.
also were awarded to students (as) Poster Contest winners and delivered, as usual, bookmarks to the fourth means, faculty and staff in general.
But surely, the grand finale of the event was the presentation of the work theater created by the CRA Officer, Miss Johanna Cuadra and with the collaboration of the student in language practice, Ms. Patricia Camus. In working with an outstanding group of students (as) 4 º 4 º basic media and made us think and ask :
"At which point we lose the joy of reading?, When we fail to enchant and surprise and fantasy ?
With live music Tierssen Yan in the hands of the Banda "Avenue Valparaiso, composed of students of education Average the Ligua , made a wonderful representation that gave a clear and direct message of redemption of reading.
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