jueves 5 de mayo de 2011

¿la palabra know
is not the time that the need or the place he loves her?
Eduardo Galeano.
errant words As premature fruit fall tuff boys school at the first breeze. Almost none finished high school and half of adolescents do not complete primary school.
say it is the hunger, disease, pregnancy, tender, and language. They do not speak English at home the cartoon and in schools there is no bilingual teachers who can understand them. Thus, by dint of not knowing what others say, are being left farther and farther and farther into themselves. One in which for us is an outside inexorable.
Mapuche and Kolla, however, manage to endure more time at their desks. Only 25% did not complete the primary. 40% started secondary but nearly half of it ends. The percentages are well below national averages but above tuff, Guarani and wichis.
has to do with governments, disease and misery, but also has to do with words. Kollas Mapuche and speak English at home. That gives them a little more time in the education system but ultimately condemned them to forget their original language. For them there is no education Bilingual.
In front of or behind each other at the corners silence. Our educational system, a little bit deaf and dumb, condemns them to silence and deafness.
"Without the words today how they will make the tuff to keep talking?
"Without the songs of yesterday how the world will appoint the Mapuche and Kolla?
Two questions and one answer in all languages.
Source image: APE
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