The Telegraph
For Iñigo Sáenz de Ugarte
Eternal War
Osama bin Laden used his wife as a human shield during the assault of the troops U.S..
Osama bin Laden was armed and returned fire.
The house in which he hid cost a million dollars. False
(housing bubble may have also in Pakistan, but the latest information is that even had air conditioning).
latter is less important. What is not irrelevant is that it took less than 48 hours to discover that key elements of the story about the elimination of bin Laden have proved false . Were so fundamental aspects that served as raw material for many media covers and set in the minds of people in conditions that killed the leader of Al Qaeda.
"From a visual perspective here is Bin Laden who has been calling these attacks, who lives in this complex of millions of dollars, living in an area that is very far from the front, hiding behind women that were in front of him as a shield, "said Brennan [John Brennan, Director of the President in the fight against terrorism] the world from the podium of the White House on Monday. "I think in reality it only talks about how his story was false was in recent years. "
The of criminal cowardice was shown. Living in luxurious style. Far from the battle. Escondido behind women. "We needed something more?
I like that word. Narrative. "White House Corrects Narrative Bin Laden" is a message NYT Twitter pm on Tuesday. That's the key. With the information that was in his hand, they built a story with fake parts. It is not news. It was the same in the case of Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman .
the culmination of the hunt for Bin Laden would be more careful with the "narrative." That would not make the mistakes (or in fact are not?) Common in the Bush era.
Bin Laden "resisted." He therefore had to be removed. The first day, he said, through anonymous sources that there was no order to take him alive. Then, it was denied. Were the circumstances of the operation and the resistance of the occupants of the house the factors that led to Bin Laden had just two bullets, one in the chest and once in the head.
"On the first floor of Bin Laden, two messengers of al Qaeda couriers were killed along with a woman who died in the crossfire, "said Carney [Press Secretary The White House]. "Bin Laden and his family are in the second and third floors of the building. There was concern that bin Laden would oppose the capture operation, and indeed resisted. "
Under the new version, people who were on the first floor itself that the attackers opened fire. Bin Laden was on another floor with his wife. The woman threw a soldier. Was not armed and was shot in the leg.
How Bin Laden refused to be disarmed?
"He resisted. The U.S. personnel are manejaó with the utmost professionalism and he was killed in the operation due to dogged resistance, "said Carney.
The SEAL who led the assault are the elite Special Forces units. There are people who get nervous or even in an operation in a foreign country against the leader of the criminal organization responsible for the deaths of 3,000 Americans. Not trained for that.
But somehow Osama bin Laden refused. How?
No need to carry a firearm for resist, they say. Obviously. One can hide. Struggle. Trying to escape through a window. Which of these reasons require a soldier who, no offense is a killing machine to stick a shot in the head to the dam?
Can you conclude that it is a risky military operation in which the casualties are inevitable or else we have a covered run initially fictional elements to use as raw material for propaganda ?
is what happened in the case of Jessica Lynch. It sold a courageous rescue operation at peak condition when in fact risk was not such. This is what happened in the case of Pat Tillman. It sold the death of a brave soldier (with an exemplary personal history) in combat with the enemy when in fact it was a friendly fire incident.
The 'narrative' of the war against terrorism has led us to the argument (harvest Cheney) that the Government has the right to lie in these matters.
gives the impression that it is fulfilling to the last letter.
already in the field of personality cult that is the responsibility of the media, we can find an example on the construction of the figure of the cowboy, many times awarded to George Bush. The paper has a new actor. Now Obama is "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" .
Fortunately, in the propaganda is not obligated to pay royalties.
There are mixed messages about the possible spread of pictures of the corpse of Bin Laden (to clear doubts and root out any conspiracy theory.) The CIA director is very clear. Sooner or later, a photo is made public:
The government obviously has been talking about the best way to do this ... There was no doubt that ultimately, a photograph is presented to the public. Obviously, I've seen those pictures. We have discussed and no doubt that (the deceased's) Bin Laden.
At this time, the White House says the decision is taken and are discussing their advantages and disadvantages.
They lack the subtlety of The Sun . They have learned that Bin Laden did not fire a weapon, but whatever. Nor had the victims of 11-S and 7-J. Aim. Fire.
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