COPEC and Fundación La Source through its Viva Reading Program, are creating School Libraries open to the community, in municipal facilities the country, project that is hosted Cultural Donations Law.
In itself, this initiative is a platform to promote reading consisting of three axes: a donation of 75 school libraries open to the community, a Web 2.0 site support and a volunteer program.
This project replicates and extends the project the two institutions began in 2008, in Calbuco (Lakes Region), at San Joseph.
We attach the link where you can access the database and the application form for the term is only until 29 April. ;
- 1. CALL
Our work aims to promote reading and community development through the creation of libraries and modern living, meaning that, information and training centers that reflect and collect the cultural needs of a particular community.
Raiders of achieving this objective, through its project COPEC READ ® VIVA invites educational institutions that meet the requirements outlined below, to submit their application for benefit with the development of School Library Project, to be implemented from July 2011.
- Location: municipal schools may participate throughout the country. B.
- Administrative unit of the establishment: municipal .
8. APPLICATION 's nomination to contest establishments School Libraries open to the community be received by the Application Form , which must be filled out by hand (please print clearly), typed or computer. Commitments must file attachments whose stamp and signature required.
The application form will Available for download at the following websites: , , .
9. QUESTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS Questions about the nomination can be made to Foundation La Fuente, until April 21, 2011 email @
For more information on FLF's experience in projects similar readers, please visit our web site .
Opening | April 5, 2011 |
Close of nominations | April 29, 2011 at 12:00 hrs. inclusive. In the case of receipt of application via physical mail, it will verify the date of of the application. |
pre Notice | May 13, 2011 in web |
Visits to shortlisted | 16 al 31 May 2011 |
Selection and notification of winners establishments | June 7, 2011 in web |
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