Navigating there I found this article that can help us a lot in our practice by the year 2011.
Reading Clubs, competitions, contests and other projects can make it become one of the best educational resources of a school.
not a matter of substance but of form. A school library may be the repository of an incredible and large stock of books and other materials of information, but can not find a way that these contents are appreciated, valued and utilized by students at the school, the library will have no reason to be.
Reading Clubs, contests, competitions and other projects or activities in the library environment can make it become one of the best educational resources of a school.
And it is essential that schools reinforce the role that represents the school library in teaching-learning dynamic, transforming it from mere container for borrowing books and reading in an educational tool effective as the classroom. Ideas for libraries
improve and update the collections and their organization or to incorporate information technologies to facilitate the work of the library are some key actions to any school library can become a useful tool for the school community .
Equally important to include in its plan activities and projects for parents and teachers that students get a direct and attractive to encourage a love of reading in the younger generation.
winners of the various projects in various editions of the National Contest of best practices for dynamism and innovation libraries and other activities proposed by various schools, we have selected those key generic ideas that any school library can be implemented:
Report: If you do not know what to read, not read. What good is having an increasingly large library if not reported on it? To do the libraries have a number of resources: to develop guidelines quarterly developments have been built and a brief overview, use a board to list the funds that are incorporated, keeping parents and teachers informed of the recommended reading for Students of every age or place in a display in the library those titles most read by age in the form of a "top ten" are some ideas for the lack of information is the reason why students do not read.
Celebrate: any occasion is good to celebrate it with books. Why not collect all the titles of an author when he meets a significant date in his biography, develop a fact sheet and distribute to students to encourage them to know, or celebrate the anniversary of an event with literature, for example, seven decades of World War II through the books about it.
Involve students: let them participate Library helps to identify with her and her business.
An idea may be to form library assistants learn to engage in library work.
they can also participate in literary critics turning over a sheet of opinions to be included in titles, creating a suggestion box where they can recommend readings that might be interesting for other students, or letting them bring their favorite book explain to their peers.
accomplice families: in the home environment must be a predisposition toward reading to create the reading habit in children, the family must be an actor active library projects.
family reading The card is a good resource, it's family must make monthly readings taken with the children at home or in external libraries and to complete it receive a diploma.
Another way to get involved is through participation in clubs or sessions organized by specific libraries, as readers moms club, "the week of parents librarians", etc.
Competitions and awards: them deserving of a gift or diploma recognizer of their effort is one of the best ways to encourage students.
A graphic contest to create a mascot for the library, make tracks a literary contest, placing quotations from books in boards that students must identify, or a prize to be able to find more literature on a topic are some options that may also be qualifying in the teacher's evaluation of certain subjects. Interact
: having a good channel of communication established with other entities can help improve and activate a library.
This can be achieved by contacting foundations and associations related to the literature to be informed of any developments in this area and to be updated, or entering into agreements with publishers, bookstores or other libraries that are beneficial to the final target: the student.